Health Benefits of Garlic - SocialWelBeing
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Health Benefits of Garlic

Health Benefits of Garlic

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Health Benefits of Garlic - SocialWelBeing

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Health benefits of garlic, for men, home remedies, homemade remedies, natural treatments, natural cures, garlic juice, benefits of garlic, garlic benefits, garlic home remedies, garlic usages

In ancient times, When modern medicines were not available, people kept themselves healthy and fit only with the help of herbals and home remedies. You will be surprised to know that the Ayurvedic and home medicines of ancient times were more effective than modern medicines. But the making process of it decreased gradually, and due to this its effect decreased continuously.

But some herbs, which were used in their original form, are still effective today. But it will be effective for you only when you know the right way to use it.

Here we are going to tell you about some such benefits of garlic, by using which you will be able to treat by self gastric and all the problems related to your stomach.

Uses of Garlic

Garlic and Gastric

If you have been struggling from gastric since long time and none of the medicines have proved to be effective for you, then you should try this home remedy for at least one week. You will definitely get surprising results.
Make a decoction by mixing two or three buds of garlic with cumin at night. Keep it covered overnight, and consume it on an empty stomach every morning. Within three to four days you will definitely get the benefit. You can use this recipe as long as you want, there will be no harm to you.
Uses :- Do not use more than 2, 3 buds of garlic in Empty Stomach.

Garlic is Very Effective in the Treatment of Cold :- Garlic is fully packed with nutrients and it also has many antioxidant properties. Adding a daily dose of garlic in your daily meal plan is proven very beneficial for immune system.
Whenever you are affected by cold, squeeze two or three buds of garlic and extract its juice, and mix it in mustard oil and massage it on the body. You can also drink it with warm water or can eat it raw form.

Garlic is effective in treating heart disease :- Adding garlic in your daily diet helps you to control your cholesterol level, because the antioxidant properties of garlic contains a large amount of allicin, Which is very effective for regularizing blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Which controls the cholesterol level in your body.
But you will get better results only when you eat it raw or half cooked. Because, excessive cooking destroys all the therapeutic properties of garlic.

It Stabilizes Blood Pressure :- Mature garlic contains a bioactive sulfur compound and S-allylcysteine, Which is very effective in keeping blood pressure levels balanced. Sulfur deficiency is one of the reasons that increase the blood pressure level in our body. In such cases, consumption of garlic helps us to maintain our blood pressure level stable.
Uses :- To get the benefit of garlic's allicin, take it in raw or dry form.

Prevents hair fall :- Hair loss is also a very common problem that affects almost every second person. But do you know, hair loss can be easily prevented with the help of garlic. The high levels of allison found in garlic are similar to the sulfur compound found in onions. In addition, it also contains iron, minerals, and vitamins, which helps your hair to grow faster and also prevents it from falling.
Uses :- Rub chopped cloves of garlic on your scalp, or you can use it by mixing it with your regular hair oil.

Making of Garlic Oil at Home :- Mix some cloves of garlic in olive or coconut oil. Keep it in a cool place for at least one week. After a week you can use it

Skin Benefits of Garlic :- Most of the Skin disease are mainly caused due to unhealthy diet, skin dryness, itchy, flaky, rough, genes etc. S-allyl cysteine, found in garlic helps you to protect your skin from UV damage. And the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of garlic helps your body to clear oxygen particles, And makes your skin smooth, soft and grain free.
Uses :- Rub garlic oil lightly on the affected area of ​​the skin.

Garlic Clears Acne :- It does not directly help us to cure acne, but it cleanses our blood and stomach. Which are the main reasons for having pimples. This process may take a long time duration, but you will definitely get rid of acne permanently.
Uses :- To get better result squeeze the garlic grains and extract the juice, rub it on the affected part of skin twice in a day.

In the treatment of stretch marks :- Removing stretch marks from your skin is really a very tough task, especially when you try to remove it with Garlic or any herbal or Ayurvedic products. So, if you want to get ride of stretch marks with the help of garlic, you should keep in mind that you have to be patient.
Uses :- To get better and sooner results mix it with olive or coconut oil and massage it on the affected areas of skin twice in a day.

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