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Christmas Day

Christmas Day

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All About Christmas Day - SocialWelBeing

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all information about christmas day, all about christmas day, happy christmas day wishes, facts about christmas day, christmas day facts, truth about christmas, santa claus

The Truth About Christmas?

The traditional celebration of Christmas fills warm feeling and a lot of joy in the hearts of all of us - from children to old it's the favorite festival of everyone. This is a great time.. when we get some time to spend with our family and friends, and get a chance to enjoy the festival with them. This is a great time to recline the family harmony, and reconnect with the broken relationships.

A Christian Holiday?

Christmas means "The Feast of Jesus Christ". And the followers of this religion are called Christians, who believes Jesus Christ is the "Son of God". And celebrates his birthday as Christmas Day. The glare of the Christmas festivities attracts everyone. And maybe this is the reason why even non-Christian people gradually started celebrating it. Countries like Japan, India where Christians are in very small numbers, despite this Christmas is very popular, and there's a public holiday on this day. Not only Japan and India, but in most countries around the world there's a public holiday on this day. And now, there is a public holiday on Christmas day in most of the countries.

History of Christmas?

Nowadays, Christmas has become very popular for all of us, no matter whether we are Christians or not, all of us celebrates this like a religious festival. But do you know why we celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December only. Most people know about Christmas is just that it is celebrated to commemorate the birth date of Jesus Christ. But let me tell you that the day of the 25th of December, the day on which we celebrate Christmas to commemorate Jesus Christ's birthday, is just an estimated date. And there is no such evidence has been found yet that can prove the actual birth date of Jesus Christ.
Christmas was not celebrated long after the life of Jesus Christ, and even it is not mentioned in the main religious scripture of Christians "Bible". And it is believed that later Christians began celebrating it to honor Jesus Christ and his ideology.

In the past it was celebrated by the Christians only. But as time passage it becomes popular among the people of every caste and religion around the world.

Herbert W. Armstrong has described in his book "The Plain Truth About Christmas" that how the Catholic Church had adopted the custom of Christmas. Before the fourth century, Christians were very few in number. They were also greatly persecuted by the government and rulers. But, after the arrival of Constantine as an Emperor, who had adopted the Christianity in the fourth century, Christianity got the equal place of paganism in society. It was the time when Christianity started becoming popular amongst the people, and it was accepted by the millions of people, and soon, Christianity becomes much more popular in the Roman countries.

But the people of other castes and religions who had adopted the Christianity, those were grewed up in the idolatry customs. And especially the idolatry of 25th of December was a very special occasion for them, which they used to celebrate very pompously. And which they did not want to leave even after adopting Christianity. According to the historians, the 25th of December was a very special day for the Roman people, the day they worshiped the sun as God. Later, so many people started joining in the celebration of the 25th of December.
And the worship of God, which was celebrated by the Romans on the 25th of December, gradually turned into Christmas, in the birthday of Jesus Christ ("Son of God"). After this Christians also started celebrating birthdays, which they had never celebrated before — not even Jesus Christ's birth. This is also confirmed in the 1944th edition of Encyclopedia America, and by many authorities that Christmas was not celebrated in the church in the first century. And before the fourth century, they celebrate the death anniversary of remarkable people, rather than birthdays. In the fourth century, the first time a celebration was held to commemorate the birth of Christ, and in the 5th century ordered to be celebrated forever.
The reason for making such a decision was that even after 3 centuries of Christ's death, Christianity was limited as compared to idolatry. That is why Christians had decided to celebrate this festival annually, so that Christianity can expand.

More Christmas Customs

The Christmas tree serves to add beauty to the beauty of Christmas. There are a variety of different things which are commonly used to decorate the Christmas tree(🌲), Like - Glass, stars, lights and Etc. In the past people used white candy canes, stars and heart shaped pastries to decorate the Christmas tree. Decorating the Christmas tree with artificial materials and using artificial Christmas trees first began in Germany, where the people usage white candy canes, stars, and heart-shaped pastries to decorate these trees. Apart from this, they also used tinsel and many types of garlands and ribbons to decorate the Christmas tree. And the credit of the Christmas tree that we are seeing today goes to Germany.

Giving gifts to each other : It is also a pretty custom of Christmas that has been coming from a long before. People usually give gifts to their friends and relatives. It's a very special occasion for children when they receive plenty of gifts from their parents.

Even Santa Claus

The myth of Santa Claus began in pagan times. And everyone who is matured enough knows that Santa Claus is just a myth.

But have you ever thought that the parents who try to keep their child away from lies throughout the year, why do they themselves lies their children about Santa Claus myth. Why do they make feel their children that Santa Claus keeps his eyes on all their activities and behaviors. And give them gifts on Christmas Eve based on their good behaviour and activities.
The purpose of doing this is not to hurt the faith of children at all. Rather they do this so that their children can learn good habits, and can be a good person. And this really works, because as long as the child understands about the myth that there is no Santa Claus. Before that, he becomes addicted to doing good things only.

The Significance of December 25

The Encyclopedia Americana has also confirmed that the birth date of Jesus Christ is not certain. And the day of December 25, which is widely celebrated as the birthday of Jesus Christ, is not the exact date of Christ's birth. Apart from this, the Encyclopedia Britannica has also confirmed in his article that there is no definite reason for celebrating Christmas on 25 December is yet known.

The Catholic Church has also made many shocking revelations about Christmas in its encyclopedia "The Catholic Encyclopedia". Its 1911th edition states that Christmas was not included in the early church festivals, the rights of Christmas were not established by Jesus Christ, nor Jesus Christ had given any personal instruction to celebrate Christmas.

As secular and Catholic Churches history shows that Christmas is not a festival originally celebrated to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ, and the Catholic Church has adopted this custom from the pagans.

In the above article, we have tried to touch almost every aspect related to Christmas. But if you want to know more about it, you should look at its historical source "The Holy Bible..

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