What is a Normal Heart Rate? - SocialWelBeing
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What is a Normal Heart Rate?

What is a Normal Heart Rate?

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Heart Rate Chart: What is a Normal Heart Rate? - SocialWelBeing.in

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Hi! I'm Ashutosh and today I'll talk to you about the Heart Rate and the Healthy Heart Diet.
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Let's back to our today's topic, which is about the diet that can increase the pulse rate of the children. But before that, I would like to tell you what actually the pulse rate is, And from mother's womb to death, when, how much it should be? So, that you can understand all the things easily.

What is heart rate?

Heart rate is the number of heart contractions ( beats) in a minute, that is measured by the number of heart contractions per minute.

What is pulse rate?

The pulse rate is the number of contractions in the veins of the different parts of the body per minute, which are caused by blood flow. It can be measured at - neck, wrist, waist, knee, and ankle.

What is the difference between heart rate and pulse rate?

Both are the two different things, but still the pulse rate is known as heart rate.

Now you must be thinking, when both are different then why pulse rate is called heart rate.
Here is the answer...

The reason for it is that the pulse rate is usually equal or very close to the heart rate measured at any peripheral point of the body. Both are proportional to each other, when one is normal, the other also remains normal. And when one increases, the other also increases.

Heart rate is measured at any condition, Whether it is normal or abnormal. But you can feel your pulse rate only when your heart rate increases, and it pumps more blood than usual. We can say that the pulse rate is an indicator of high blood pressure.

When and why do the pulse rates vary?

The heart rate can vary according to the physical and mental activities or needs of the body.
For example - During exercising, running, cycling or doing any other physical activity, the blood circulation of our body increases to a great extent. To compensate for the increased blood circulation our heart needs to pump more blood, and to pump more blood, our heart needs to absorb more oxygen and emit more carbon dioxide than usual. It's a complete process that increases our heart rate.

Why do heart rates change at night?

At bedtime, the body undergoes several important recurring processes, such as - from restoring brain activity to muscle repair and cell renewal. Because of which a person's heart rate keeps changing even during sleep.

While sleeping at night, an individual's heart rate can be between 40 - 100 beats per minute, which is normal. It changes from day to day depending on your hydration level, elevation and temperature.

Now, you must have understood when and why the pulse rate changes. In simple words, you just understand that when your physical activity is high then your heart rate will be high, and when your physical activity is low then your heart rate will also be low.

Let's talk about the fetal heart rate, what should be the fetal heart rate and how it can be improved?

The fetus's normal heart rate is between 110 and 180 beats per minute. When the fetus is hyperactive, the heart rate can even go up to 190 beats per minute, which is normal. And when the fetus is resting, the heart rate can be between 120 - 110 beats per minute, which is also normal.

Heart rate is an important factor that helps doctors assess the condition of the baby while the baby is in the mother's womb. When the fetus turns 8 weeks or more, his heartbeat can be heard with the help of a Doppler ultrasound.

However, there are some children whose heartbeat is not heard even after 8 to 9 weeks. This is usually due to excessive fat on the mother's abdomen, because the extra layer of fat suppresses the fetal heartbeat.

The fetal heart rate can be affected by many factors, but most of the factors are directly related to the mother, such as - the mother's heart rate, her stress level, and the mother's diet.

The mother's heart rate has a great effect on the child's heart rate. Because the mother's high blood pressure reduces the amount of nutrients the baby receives in the womb. It can cause various health problems and can be fatal for both, the child and the mother.

Another major factor, which greatly affects the fetal heartbeat, is the mother's stress level. Studies have shown that the mother's stress level has a great impact on the fetal heart rate and his/her overall health.

The last and the most important factor, which plays the most important role in improving the fetal heart rate and its overall development, is mother's diet. Because it is not only beneficial for the fetal heart rate, but also for the mother's health. A good and healthy diet helps the mother to gain the recommended weight during pregnancy. So, Every mother should be part of a healthy diet.

There is also a misconception about the mother's diet, that the pregnant ladies should consume more salt and fat. Which is wrong and can be dangerous for both the child and the mother.

A healthy heart diet should contain less amounts of salt and fat. Fruits, vegetables, lean meats and fishes are the rich sources of the vitamins and the minerals, and contain very less amount of salt and fat. So any pregnant woman can add these in her healthy heart diet.

So far, what we have seen was all about the fetal heart rate. Now we will see what should be your heart rate from childhood to old age.

Here is the Heart Rate Chart

Age Normal Heart Rate Maximum Heart Rate
Up to 1 Month 70 - 190
1 Year 80 - 160
2 Year 80 - 130
4 Year 80 - 120
6 Year 75 - 115
9 Year 70 - 110
10 to 15 Year 60 - 100
20 Year 100 - 170
30 Year 95 - 162 190 bpm
35 Year 95 - 160 185 bpm
40 Year 90 - 155 180 bpm
45 Year 90 - 150 175 bpm
50 Year 85 - 145 170 bpm
55 Year 85 - 140 165 bpm
60 Year 80 - 140 160 bpm
65 Year 80 - 135 155bpm
70 Year 75 - 130 150 bpm

According to the American Heart Association, an adult with normal physical activity should have a heart rate between 60 to 100 bpm. And during sleep, it can come down to 40 to 50 bpm, which is normal.

But, as your age changes, your heart rate and your pulse regularity may change. Which indicates change in your heart condition or in your other physical conditions, which actually need your attention. Because if you can not control it at the beginning, then in future you may have to face a lot of problems due to it.

There are so many external factors that can cause your pulse rate to be irregular. Some of them are fatal, some of them usually occur. So whenever you feel a major change in your pulse rate, first of all you should consult the doctor so that you can find out the reason for your pulse rate to be irregular, and then should take appropriate steps towards preventing it.

But there are some factors that are caused by some common factors, and they can be corrected by taking some common precautions. Such as -

Air Temperature:

When temperatures and the humidity soar, the heart pumps a little more blood, that can add 5 to 10 extra bits in your normal pulse rate.

Body position: When you are in a comfortable position, whether you are resting, sitting, standing, or sleeping, usually your pulse rate is the same. And in such a situation, when you suddenly break your position, your pulse may go up, but after a few minutes it gets back to normal.


Our emotions have a direct effect on our pulse rate, so when we’re stressed, anxious or extraordinarily happy or sad our emotions increase our pulse rate.


Workout is very good for health. But during workout, the blood circulation in the body increases significantly, due to which the heart needs to pump more blood, and the heart rate increases.


Cigarettes and other tobacco products contain additive chemicals, of which nicotine is predominant. Whenever you smoke or consume any other nicotine-containing substance, it increases your blood pressure, which increases your heart rate.


We all know that drinking alcohol is injurious for health, despite this, people often drink alcohol. May it be good for reducing stress, but when you drink a lot, or just have more than usual, you might feel your heart beating faster.

So… Now you must have understood that the irregularity of your pulse rate is very common, which can usually happen to anyone. Therefore, changing one's diet to improve the pulse rate is the fastest and most effective way. Through which a person can not only improve his pulse rate but also improve his overall health.

A normal heart rate reduces the risk of heart disease and heart attack, and keeps you away from diseases. Here are the nutrient-dense foods that lower heart rate, reduce heart disease, and boost longevity.

Whole Grains:

A diet that contains a large amount of whole grains reduces cholesterol and blood pressure.
Whole grains reduce the risk of stroke, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and all the risks - which are due to high heart rate.

Oatmeal, bulgur, whole wheat pasta, and barley are all best sources of healthy whole grains to incorporate into your diet.

Green Vegetables:

Green Vegetables, Leafy Greens and Fruit are especially beneficial for cardiovascular health because they contain vitamin K1.

Fruits and vegetables are fiber-rich, low-fat foods, which are known to reduce cholesterol and high blood pressure.

A study has shown that consuming 8 to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables in a day can lower your risk of cardiovascular disease by 28% while reducing the risk of premature death by 31%. Apart from green vegetables and leafy greens, apples, pomegranates, green beans and peppers are also very beneficial for heart rate.

Blueberries contain significant amounts of anthocyanin, which is very beneficial for heart rate. In particular, blueberries decrease blood pressure, improve blood vessel efficiency and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Omega-3s Fatty Acids:

Omega-3s are healthy fats, which are found in a particular type of plant and fish. Omega-3s fatty acids are one of the best sources of reducing heart rate and reducing the risk of cardiac attack. There are three main types of omega-3s, alpha-linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid. Alpha-linolenic acid is found in plant oils, and the rest both are found in salmon, mackerel, and tuna fish.

Eating for a Healthy Heart:

Heart rate plays an important role in the overall health of anyone. And the best way to keep it healthier is eating healthier foods. It is one of the easiest and most effective ways through which any person can reduce their risk of disease and extend their life expectancy.

Above we have covered almost all the topics related to pulse rate. If you want to know anything else or you need any other clarification, let us know... kanhai.dec.2011@gmail.com

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