Coronavirus Latest Update - SocialWelBeing
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Coronavirus Latest Update

Coronavirus Latest Update

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Coronavirus Disease || Socialwelbeing

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What is CoronaVirus?

Corona Means Crown, Virus Means Virus. The Reason Behind Naming It as Coronavirus is That When We Look at It Under a Microscope, It Appears as if There is a Crown on Top of the Virus. And That's Exactly the Reason Why It Was Named Coronavirus.

In the past, it only existed in animals. But a few months before, it was found in some of the Critically impaired Patients of Wuhan, which is a small city in China.

Initially, the Doctors didn't take it too seriously. But a few days later, when they found that it had affected the whole city, all the Medical Agencies of China were stunned.

Because, Until now, they knew about only four to five coronaviruses that were only responsible for causing some common diseases in animals. Such as... Cold, Mild, Fever and Respiratory Infections. And when they found it in humans, they had estimated the same common diseases in humans, which they had found in animals. No one had ever thought about its consequences, that it could be so deadly.

Before the Medical Agencies did anything, it took more than hundreds of patients' lives. And there are thousands of people who have been influenced by it. And in just a few weeks, it had spread to all the adjacent countries of China and many other countries. People are battling between life and death. But the treatment is far away, Doctors have not even been able to find out how it spread.

The fact is that All the Medical agencies around the world are concerned about how severe the disease will be, or how far it can spread. Because, starting from Wuhan, a small town of China, it has spread almost all over China in just a few days. Not only China but also in other adjacent countries of China, Such as… India, Pakistan and almost all countries, which are located in the neighbourhood of China, have found more than hundreds of patients who are affected by it.

The rapid spread of coronavirus has become a matter of deep concern for all. All the Health agencies, whether it is of China, India, or any other country, all are looking for a way to stop it from spreading. But till now, it has been proven to be an impossible task for all.

How to Protect Yourself From Being Affected?

Using Masks is Extremely Important..!! Let Us Explain You… How?

∆∆ Most of the diseases that are spread by the virus can only affect you when you come in contact with an infected person. Or, when you come in contact with the discarded excrement or waste of an infected person.

We can't even ensure that by avoiding physical contact with such an infected person, you can mark yourself as safe, or not. Because till now, the medical agencies have not even been able to find out whether it can descend to the surface or not. Nor, they have even been able to ensure that it is only transmitted from one person to another, or it is spreading by some other means also. In such a situation, how it can be treated, you can imagine.

Most of the viruses are able to survive on the surface. Maybe, it may also descend on the surface. And if so, then it is indeed a matter of deep concern for the human being. And a single mistake can be very harmful for us.

Because viruses that can descend on the surface also have a capability that they can spread through air. And we all know how easily it can spread one place to another through air, and can easily enter into anyone's body while breathing at public places or groups.

Therefore, whenever you go out, whenever you are in groups or in a public place, using a mask is vital for you.

∆∆ Make sure that you, your family members and the people around you are following a good and hygienic respiratory system. Such as... Covering mouth and nose with elbow, handkerchief or tissue while coughing or sneezing. And cleaning up the used things immediately thereafter.

∆∆ Try not to be in groups or in a crowded area.

∆∆ Try to keep at least 6 to 8 feet distance from others and sick people, especially in public places and during travel.

∆∆ Instead of shaking hands, say hello by joining both of your hands.

∆∆ Do not eat open foods, nor will ever drink open or unfiltered water.

∆∆ Avoid close contact with others, when you are experiencing fever and cold or flu like symptoms.

∆∆ Cover your mouth and nose with tissue, sleeve or elbow, when coughing or sneezing.

∆∆ Frequently wash your hands with soap and water or alcohol base hand rub, after touching anything else.

∆∆ Instead of wasting your time in vain, try to spend more and more time at home.

Why Do We Need to Do All These Things?

We all know that the majority of the cases were found in China. And from there it has been spread to many other countries including USA, UAE, Italy, India, Pakistan, Canada.

Initially, when it originated in China and was found in some of the sick people of China, neither people, nor the Health Agencies did understand the seriousness of this matter. And that is the reason why it spread to many countries outside China, including USA, Italy, UAE, India, Pakistan, Russia.

It is true that no such medicine has yet been found that can cure it. But this does not mean that it cannot be stopped. And how it can be stopped, we have already told you above.

If people would have understood the thing in time, Maybe today, we wouldn't have to see these situations. Neither did millions of people lose their lives.

Whom we have lost so far, we can't bring them back. But by taking a little care, we can definitely ensure that now we will not let anyone get affected by it. And this will be possible only when we take care of ourselves and others, and follow all the instructions that Medical agencies have suggested to us.

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