This Short Story Will Definitely Boost Your Self-confidence - SocialWelBeing
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This Short Story Will Definitely Boost Your Self-confidence

This Short Story Will Definitely Boost Your Self-confidence

Short Description:
This Short Story Will Definitely Boost Your Self-confidence

Product Description

There was a business executive who was completely in debt, and he wasn't able to find a way to get out of it. The creditors were slowly started making their pressure on him. The employee's salaries were yet to be paid for a long time, so they too were adamant on strike. Distraught with all these worries, he sat on a park's bench, hands on his head, wondering who would help him now, and save his company from being declared bankrupt.

Suddenly he saw an old man coming towards him. Up next moment the old man came and sat beside him on the same bench. After sitting for a while, the old man said to him.. Gentleman !! Your face shows that you are very upset, Is there any problem?
The business executive revealed his woes to the old man by being very emotional.
After listening to all woes and grief of the business executive, the old man said It seems from your words that you are a brave and courageous person, and I am sure that you will definitely succeed. I can help you if you want..
Hearing the help, he immediately said yes.
The old man asked his name and and give him a blank check by saying take this check, You take the money you need. Exactly one year from now I will meet you right here, at that time you can pay back my money.
After giving him the check, the sooner he came, the sooner he disappeared.

The business executive saw a blank check in his hand, signed by John D. Rockefeller, who was one of the world's wealthiest men at the time.

He thought, "why not he get out of all his problems in a while, which he was facing just because of lack of money". But at the same time he remembered the words of the old man, which he said to him by showing his trust over him.
And after then the business executive has decided not to use the check and keep this as a safety option with him, thinking that he will use it when he has no other choice.
The old man's words had boosted his confidence a lot. Once again he started believing himself. And once again with full of his passion and dedication he focused all his attention on his business. By reassuring his employees somehow, he started his company's working again.

With the new start, he made several changes in his Policies, and also increased the terms of better deals and payments. This time they successfully executed many big sales and deals. Within a few months, he was out of debt and started making money once again.

Exactly one year later, he returned to the old man at the same park with unused check. The old man also appears there at the scheduled time. But just as the executive was about to hand back the check and share his success story, a nurse came running up and grabbed the old man, and said..
"Thank God..!! I caught him.. I hope he didn't bothered you. He always runs away from the rest home and tells people he's John D. Rockefeller."

And saying this, she took the old man's hand and took it with him.

The executive was stunned to hear the nurse. When he realized that for the past one year, the old man he was trusting, was mentally week.
All year long he’d been wheeling and dealing, buying and selling, because he was convinced, he has a blank check through which he can get out of all his problem whenever he wants.

And then he realized. It's not the money that had changed his life. It was his increased self-confidence, which was enhanced by the words of that crazy old man. And because of which he could regain everything.

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