How To Improve Your Personality? - SocialWelBeing
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How To Improve Your Personality?

How To Improve Your Personality?

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How To Improve Your Personality? - SocialWelBeing

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success, success tips, self improvement, self confidence, boost your self confidence, millionaires success habits, tips to improve self-confidence instantly, dress up, take your steps only when your goal is fixed, how to keep your patience in hard times, always watch Your body language, and try to maintain it better practice gratitude,

When we discuss ways of improving your personality, we also need to talk about improving self confidence and self-efficacy, because they are all related concepts. Whenever you need to boost your self confidence, we can start this lesson by looking at some means. Enhancing these attributes, your self-confidence will naturally develop and will show itself in your actions and behaviors. You will no longer have to ‘Fake It Until You Make It’ – instead you will actually be more Self-confident at work and in other areas of your life.

Tips to Improve Self-confidence Instantly :- At many times in life we have to go through such situations when we need to feel more confident, especially when we have to face a challenging situation at work or our personal life. Maybe you are going through hard in your life or you are going to do something you have never done before, and you are not feeling as confident as you usually feel. Then, here we are going to tell you some such tips, by following which you can find the extra dose of Self-confidence you need.

Dress Up :- The first step of boosting your self confidence is that you should have to pay attention to your dressing sense. Because the way you dress up has an impact how you represent yourself in front of your superiors or someone others. When you feel that you look your best, you are more likely to present yourself with more confidence. You will find it easier to interact with others, and you won’t be distracted by worrying about how you look. What's the next person thinking about your look?
If you are thinking that to maintain a good dressing sense(Personality) you will have to make a lot of changes in yourself or spend a lot of money on a new dress, shoes, watch or anything else. Then you are absolutely wrong, because you do not need to do so. You just need to do is to make a few small changes in your regular lifestyle that will help you to look even more impressive. Like - Always have a modern haircut, make sure that your clothes fit you properly, invest in a few great accessories which should be unique, latest and different from others, and make sure you always wear well ironed clothes, and well polished shoes.

Take Your Steps Only When Your Goal Is Fixed :- Next time you are at work, take a moment to watch people that how they walk. And what does their walk communicate about them?
Because, walking slowly, trudging along, with their head down? Or do they walk quickly, head up, with a pleasant smile on their face? You feel more confident when you go somewhere with a purpose or you are on a mission. You walkabout 25% faster than you normally walk, and your head is up, and your energy flowing higher. That is why it is important to have a purpose in your life, so that you can keep your confidence always up.

Always Watch Your Body Language, And Try To Maintain It Better :- The way you talk to others and express your thoughts. The way you walk, and keep your body language while interacting with someone, tells a lot about you to others that how you feel about yourself.
A man with low confidence always have a bending shoulder, and he looks very sluggish? Whether he is communicating with others, or doing any other things, he always hesitant. But instead of feeling constricted or nervous, if he practices good posture, at least he won't have to feel ashamed for his body language. All he needs to do is practice standing his head straight up, and keep shoulder straight. And, while interacting with someone try to talk always in a friendly manner. Gradually you will feel more alert, more confident and more powerful.

How To Keep Your Patience In Hard Times :- Imagine that you are going through a very hard time. And you have made a big mistake, because of which everyone is very disappointed with you, and you are feeling very ashamed for which. In such a situation, if you want to get out of this circumstance, you have to do something that will boost your confidence. And for this it would be the best way for you to boldly accept the responsibility of whatever you have done, and try to rectify your mistake by focusing on your strengths. And whenever you feel you can't do it, you should give up, then try to recall that why did you start doing it?
Whenever you feel that you are going through a hard time of your life where your confidence is completely gone, then you should only focus on your strengths. It will remind you that, by making many such mistakes, you have developed these characteristics / powers within you. Although you made a mistake, you are still a great, valuable person.

Practice Gratitude :- Probably the fastest way to feel bad about yourself is to focus on what you don’t have, what you haven’t achieved, or to compare yourself with someone better than you. If you focus on what you haven’t achieved yet, you are bound to mark your weaknesses due to which you have not achieved your goal yet.
Everyday, write down a list of at least five things that you are proud of accomplishing, or things that you can be grateful for in your life. This could include relationships with people you love, your health, your educational achievements, your professional achievements, and including any other positive aspects of your life. You should also keep a list of times when situations were not favorable for you, and when you had to face a lot of challenges even to maintain your positive mindset. But despite this, you did not give up and overcome those situations with your positive mindset.

Pay People Compliments :- It often happens when we feel bad about ourselves, instead of rectifying our shortcomings, we try to find ways to let others down. You know.. this is one of the easiest ways to surround ourselves in negativity - "To Gossiping About Others".
But instead, you should try to keep yourself away from the gossip circle. Because whenever you do so, it has an effect on you somewhere. Therefore, it would be better to gossip about someone's abilities instead of talking about their shortcomings. The more you practice paying sincere compliments to others instead of focusing on their negative attributes you’ll be more likely to focus on your own positive attributes as well. By looking for the best in other people, you will bring out the best in yourself.

Participate In Group Discussion :- Not everyone likes to participate in group discussions, whether it is related to studies, social topic, or something another topic. Especially when they have to participate in a discussion about which they do not have proper knowledge. He always worries that if he made a mistake, what others will think of him, what will they talk about? Or he is always worried about whether he is looking bad, or that he is not doing something that others consider him stupid.
However, we are usually amplifying this fear in our own minds - because most of the time people are much more accepting that we think they are. Particularly because most of the other people are likely dealing with the same fear.
Make it a game with yourself. Decide that you will speak up at least one time in every group discussion that you’re in. You’ll find that it gets easier in time. You’ll be improving your public speaking skills and will feel more and more confident in sharing your opinions and ideas in front of other people. In fact, in time, you may even begin to be seen as a leader by your peers and supervisors if you continue sharing and contributing to group discussions.

Exercise Keeps You Away From Stress :- Feeling low about yourself? Your biggest weakness is. So when ever you feel like this take a walk, or a bike ride, or go work out in the gym. Not only is exercise a great way to blow of stress, but setting and achieving physical fitness goals is an excellent way to feel better about your abilities. You’ll feel proud as you reach each milestone you set for yourself. Plus, you will feel more energized and probably more attractive as well – both of which can help improve your self-confidence.

Help Others As Much As You Can :- In a similar vein to thinking about what you have to be grateful for, another way to keep from focusing on the negative in the world is to focus on the contributions that you can make to the workplace and to others. When you shift your focus to what you give instead of what you get or how you are perceived, you will stop worrying so much about yourself. Plus, if you can help others or contribute in some positive way, it will simply make you feel good. For all of these reasons, focusing on what you contribute will help to boost your self confidence.

Building Self-esteem at Work :- Self-esteem is an excellent barrier to depression and other negative emotions. Yet it can be difficult to both build and maintain. However, research has shown that the more roles people fill in their lives, the more self-esteem they have. This means that our work role is one opportunity for building self-esteem.

Pursue Your Passions :- One strategy is to pursue your passions every day – even if it’s only for fifteen minutes or over your lunch break. Take a few moments to read a favorite book, research your next travel holiday, or touch base with a friend you haven’t talked to in quite awhile. Do the same outside of work - make time to watch that old foreign film you’ve been meaning to see, take a stroll through an art gallery to broaden your view of the art world, or work in the garden planting flowers or vegetables for the coming season. In your work, find something new that you can learn about it. Even if you can dedicate only a few moments a day to learn something new about your job, it can help you to find the passion that you once had for it. Viewing work as a learning experience keeps your mind fresh and allows you to be pleasantly surprised by a job that you may have felt was old and stale.

Do Not Underestimate Your Achievements :- It is quite natural to forget what we have actually accomplished, and what we have achieved so far. The value of what we get is gradually decreasing for us and due to which we start forgetting our achievements. And maybe this is a big reason for our suffering from dissatisfaction.
A great way to help build your self-esteem at work is to keep track of what you actually achieve. Think of it as a personal 'report card'. Whenever you do something extraordinary or give your 100% effort to accomplish any work, take a piece of paper and write it down. Try to write down at least five each day. At the end of the week, you’ll have 25 different reasons to be proud of yourself for that week.
We all do more than we realize, but we tend to just accept it as second nature and stop noticing it. You build your self-esteem by keeping track of what you actually achieve.

Stop The Negative Talk :- Whenever our attention is attracted towards the negative things, places, people or somewhere. We hear a small voice somewhere in our mind that stops us. It is our inner critic. However, you have control over that voice. And if you want to learn to stop negative self-talk, you should think of ways to take the situation forward. Focus on how you can solve problems, always try to make a better choice than in the past, or take any other kind of action that will help you to focus on the positive aspects only rather than negative. You can even create a stop sign and post it on your wall so that every time you have a negative thought you can look up at it and say to yourself “STOP!” Then convert that negative thought into something positive. Allowing negative thoughts to fester does nothing for your Self-esteem and your ability to function at work. Instead, learn to shift quickly from the negative to the positive so you won’t get bogged down or beaten up by your inner critic.

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