A Healthy Life Tips - SocialWelBeing
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A Healthy Life Tips

A Healthy Life Tips

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Healthy Life Tips - SocialWelBeing

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There is No Recipe for Good Health. To Maintain Good Health, You Have to Be Very Attentive and Positive Minded Towards Your Health.

We all know that nothing is impossible in this world. But everything comes with some certain conditions. And in terms of health, the condition is that you have to be very keen towards your internal needs.

You must know some such people around you, who are always suffering from health-related problems. And whenever they fall ill, they must need a doctor to recover. At the same time, there are some people who, despite falling seriously ill, recover without consulting any doctor and without taking any medicines.

There is no magical power that works behind it, and it totally depends on your inner powers. Because, our body is made up of internal structures, from outside it is just a structure.

Now, you must have understood where the creator of your body is hidden, `` It is Inside your body. But at the same time, you also have to understand that it is not visible to everyone, you have to reach its source, by yourself.

Now tell me, if you come across something that you are capable of doing, would you like to hire a mechanic, No?

Because you will want to go to someone else only for those things which you are unable to do yourself.

The same thing happens in our body as well. But the problem is that we don't want to take any risk when it comes to our health. Therefore, whenever we fall ill, we go directly to the doctor for check-up. We do not even think about why we fell sick. Maybe the reason for this is your unhealthy diet, your unhealthy lifestyle, or, your busy life schedule.

In the last two-three decades what we have achieved are actually incredible, and praiseworthy. The modern medicines and facilities available today were not in ancient times. But despite all this, the average age of people is decreasing day by day.

Do you know what is the reason for all this?

The reason for all this is simply the lack of a good diet plan, wrong way of living, and the wrong mentality.

Here, we know that you have well understood the first two points, and have confused about the third. So, let me make it clear to you that the third point is not about your careless attitude towards life. Rather, it is about your wrong attitude towards health.

You will find many people who are very conscious of their health. They take their health so seriously that they go to the doctor even when they have a minor cold or fever, which is not correct at all. And this is the reason that such people will always be seen circling around the doctor's clinic.

Wait, we are not insulting the doctors. We just want to make you aware of the reality. Because, unless you will not understand the basic factors that are responsible for causing the disease, And will not take appropriate precautions, no one will be able to cure you.

You would know ... that our body is capable of fighting any external factor. But it will be able to do so only if we understand our internal needs and take necessary precautions.

The ancient people also fell ill, but they were only able to cure themselves by themselves. Even when there was no medicine's were available. If the people of that time had the same attitude as today's people, more than half the population would have been settled.

But the reality is just the opposite, ancient people were more healthy than us. And the reason for it was that they knew that if they get affected by any serious disease, then they wouldn't be cured again. That is why they took special care of their diet and cleanliness so that they would not fall ill.

People at that time were healthier than today. Even when they don't have any modern medical facilities. But even then, they were able to do so, only with the help of their body's internal factors.

You will be surprised to know that only 30 % of diseases are caused due to the external factors or sources. And the rest 70 % is due to internal sources, which can also be treated with the help of the same internal factors.

Now, you might be thinking that when the internal sources help our body to fight against the diseases, then why sometimes, it causes discomfort for us and becomes the reason for our illness.

The reason for this is that when you aren't able to keep your body cells happy, then it starts causing discomfort and problems for you. And when you start to act accordingly, it helps your body to fight against external factors.


So, you just have to understand the difference between things. You have to understand what you need to eat, what you need to drink, how many hours you need to sleep or how many hours you have to exercise. You have to make sure that when you have to go to the doctor, and when with your physical abilities.

And when you will be able to understand all these things, after that you will feel that you do not need any doctor or medicine.

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