Coronavirus Pandemic Latest Updates of India - SocialWelBeing
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Coronavirus Pandemic Latest Updates of India

Coronavirus Pandemic Latest Updates of India

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Coronavirus Pandemic Latest Updates of India - Socialwelbeing

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Good Evening All, You Are Seeing That We Are Going to Make You Aware About the Latest Updates of Coronavirus. We Want to Tell Our Viewers Those Figures About Where India Stands in Its Fight Against Corona. Before I Give You the Figures, I Want to Tell You That the Figures We Are Going to Present Are Total Positive Matters.

Right now India stands at 979, but I want to reiterate before we move on to the next figure. That this was last updated on the Health Ministry website this morning.

Since then, there has been no update in terms of positive cases, even though there have been 39 additional positive cases reported from Kerala at around 8:00 P.M last evening. We are reverting strictly to the figures put out by the Government of India on the Health Ministry website.

So the total positive cases now stand at 979. A total of 979 active positive cases have been confirmed to be 867. This means that 87 patients have been confirmed to be cured and the number of deaths due to the Coronavirus stand at 25.

Right Now, These Are the Figures.

I would like to reiterate once again, that these figures are from the 29th of March, which was updated at 08:25 P.M today. Even after that the figures have changed, but the Health Ministry has not updated the numbers so far.

Does Temperature and Humidity Affect It?

So... These are the figures so far, where India stands today in the fight against Coronavirus. There has been a lot of debate in laser ship focus, where many experts around the world have claimed that they have done some studies, and according to which, they have found that the heat appears to be stopping the growth and longevity of the Coronavirus.

There are many other reports which believe that this could be possible. At the same time, some other reports revealed that there is no relation between Coronavirus and temperature, but so far, no evidence has been found that can prove it to be true. So it would be better for us, to go with the experts advises.

And if we take a look at the report that was released by the expert, they revealed that the rise in temperature will kill the Coronavirus, Or at least it will slow down this deadly Epidemic. It is a topic of discussion among the experts around the world. And a ray of positive hope for a country like India.

There have been many studies issued by medical think tanks and high-ranking institutions on how high ambient temperatures can reduce transmission. Also, it has been told how hot and humid weather can slow it down.

A study by MIT the Massachusetts Institute of Technology shows 94% of Coronavirus cases have happened in regions with temperatures lower than 17 degrees Celsius, and that temperature higher than 18 degrees Celsius have recorded less than 6% cases. The study also suggests that Asian countries experiencing monsoons may see a slowdown in transmission as absolute humidity will be high which could impact the virus. Not just MIT, the John's Hopkins University in a concerted study on India and Covid-19 observed that India could do better than other countries on this front.

Now, John's Hopkins University has correlated the temperature and humidity evidence in China. By seeing which, you will find that in China where the temperature is less than 20°C, the transmission rate was noted too high. And where the temperature was noted above 20°C, there, the transmission rate was very low.

However, it is not sure whether it will apply in the Indian context or not. But for now, it is encouraging to expect that the virus will slow down due to the increase in heat and humidity. And if this estimate of experts was proven to be true, then it is really a very good news for India.

How Will the Temperature of Delhi, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai Affect It?

In summer, the average temperature of Delhi, the capital of India, touches 35 to 45° Celsius. In such a case, if the experts' estimate turns out to be corrected, Coronavirus can't actually harm us.

Let us focus on Delhi to Hyderabad, the temperature of Hyderabad is being recorded at 32 ° C right now. Come to April, in April Hyderabad will be touching 40 ° Celsius.

Now, come on to Bengaluru, today Bengaluru is at 29 ° Celsius in March. And, in April, Bengaluru will go over 35 ° Celsius.

If we talk about Chennai, today the temperature of Chennai is recorded at 36 ° Celsius. In April, Chennai will record between 40 to 44 ° Celsius.

How Will the Temperature of Metero Cities Affect It?

Let's look at other Metro cities... Right now, in March, Mumbai has been recording an average temperature of 29 ° Celsius. In April onwards, the estimated temperature of Mumbai is touching 40 ° Celsius.

Now, in March, Kolkata is recording about 30 ° Celsius. Talking about April, Kolkata will touch the 40 ° Celsius mark.


If we follow the reports that have been issued by experts, Corona's aggression will decrease as the march passes. But viewers, we should also keep in mind that this is just a guess, which may or may not be true. Therefore, we can't even do a single negligence in the matter of taking care of ourselves.

We are all well aware of the condition of Italy, how terrible havoc has been caused by Coronavirus there. Let me tell you that the health system of Italy is the second largest and best health system in the world, and we are not even in the hundred. Now, you can think how terrible it can be for us, where neither necessary health arrangements are available nor medicines.

Today, despite being the second largest health system, Italy has broken all records in the number of deaths. They crossed the thousand mark. According to today's breaking news in Italy, it has recorded thousands of deaths in the last 24 hours.

Now, again I would like to come to the topic for which we have started this article, how India deals with this Epidemic.

Let me tell you that today the whole world's eyes are on India, how it deals with this Epidemic. Because, it has demolished almost all the strongest health systems.

Therefore, as responsible citizens of India, we must understand the severity of this Epidemic, and at the same time make aware all those who are not taking it seriously.

Because, If we could save a single person from this terrible epidemic, it will not only be good for him, but it will also reduce the additional pressure on our health system.

Because, so far, the condition has been under control, and all the patients who have been found so far, are being treated properly. But, once it starts spreading like China and Italy, there is no hope of getting back to normal.

Therefore, being careless by just thinking that the arrival of summer will neutralize Coronavirus will not be good for us. Yes, we can expect this, but at the same time, we should also follow the rules suggested by the Government and health agencies. Only then, will we be able to win this battle against the Epidemic.

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