Coronavirus (COVID-19) - SocialWelBeing
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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Short Description:
All About COVID-19.

Product Description

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December 2019 Was the Time When the Chinese Authorities Had Notified the World That a Virus Was Spreading in Their Communities.

Soon thereafter, it started spreading to the whole world through tourists, and soon, the whole world came to know about it, that it is Coronavirus.

In the following months, it spread almost all over the world. It started spreading so fast that within days its cases started doubling.

The virus is related to severe acute respiratory distress syndrome that causes a disease called Covid-19. Which every one of us is calling Coronavirus.

How It Spreads, What Actually Happens When a Human is Influenced by It, and What He Should Do?

A virus is actually a hull that exists around genetic material and proteins, of course, it is not even a living thing. It can make itself more, only by entering in a living cell.

The latest update has revealed that the Coronavirus can also spread through the surfaces. But, it is not yet sure how long it can last on them.

A virus, whether it is Corona or something else, can affect you only when you are around an infected person, while he is coughing or sneezing. Or, When you touch someone who is suffering from viral fever, and then, touch your face, nose and mouth without washing your hand.

Here, the virus begins its journey, and then slowly it spreads into the whole body. The destination of a virus is the intestine, spleen and lungs. Where it has the most dramatic effect. Even just a few numbers of Coronavirus can cause quite a dramatic situation.

The lungs are lined with billions of subarticular cells. These are the boundary cells of your body that are responsible for protecting your organs and mucosa from infection. But these are ineffective against Coronavirus. Because the Coronavirus connects to a specific receptor on its victim's membranes, and then it starts injecting its genetic material into it.

In such cases, the cell remains ignorant of what is happening. But on the other hand, Coronavirus executes new instructions that are pretty simple... Copy and reassemble.

It produces more and more copies of the original Coronavirus until it reaches a critical point, and receives an ultimate command of self-destruction.

It melts like a cell and continues to produce new Coronavirus, which are ready to attack more and more cells. That is why the number of infected cells increases rapidly in the affected patients.

Within about 10 to 12 days, millions of the body's cells become infected. And billions of the viruses swallow the lungs.

Until now, no virus had caused harm to the human species on such a wide scale. Yes, it is true that the virus has caused many deaths in the past as well. But the treatment was found on time, and it could not spread on this wide scale. But the Coronavirus is going to cause real harm to you and your immune system.

The immune system is there to protect you. But sometimes, it can actually be pretty dangerous for you, due to its tight regulation. The corona infects some cells of our immune system and creates illusions to distract our immune systems fighting against the virus.

You might know that cells do not have eyes and ears. Typically they use small proteins to exchange information between each other. But when the Coronavirus regains control over the immune system, after that it starts tampering with the information, and sends wrong and suicidal information.

In simple words, you just understand that it turns the immune system into a fighting frenzy, and sends more and more of its troops to waste its resources and damage it.

In particular, Only two types of cells are involved in this devastating havoc.

The first one is neutrophils, which are great at killing stuff, including our cells.

As soon as they reach thousands in their numbers, they start pumping out enzymes, which destroy as many friends as enemies.

And the other type of cell is killer T-cells, that changes into a frenzy, and usually order to commit sucide to the infected cells and the Healthy cells too.

The result is so catastrophic, that it can cause permanent irreversible damage, which can lead to a lifelong handicap or death.

It kills both infected and healthy cells. It accepts viruses that infect new people And eliminates the battlefield, i.e. the immune system.

It is Incurable, or It can Be Treated. ...

There have been many people who have been affected by this and have been cured. On the other hand, there have been many such cases, in which the patient's condition has become more severe day after day and they do not survive longer.

Therefore, we can't be sure whether it is completely fatal or not. Because all the cases that have been reported so far, have yielded different results. So, it's just fair to say that Coronavirus is much more than flu.

Therefore, it is not possible to be sure whether it is completely fatal or not. Because all the cases that have been reported so far have yielded different results. So, it's just fair to say that Coronavirus is much more than flu.

In more severe cases, millions of the epithelial cells die. And the protective layer of the lungs also ends with epithelial cells. As a result, the alveoli become infected with small air sac bacteria, and causes a major(Deadly) problem.

Patients Get Pneumonia...

Respiration becomes so difficult or failing that patients need ventilators to survive.

In such a situation, our immune system fights with full capacity for weeks and makes millions of antiviral weapons.

But on the other side, Coronavirus produces thousands of bacteria, which rapidly move towards the immune system, and overwhelm it. After this, they enter the bloodstream and damage all cells. And at the end, the infected person dies.

The Coronavirus is often compared to the flu, but actually, it's much more dangerous. While the exact death rate is hard to pin down during an ongoing pandemic, we know for sure that it's much more contagious and spreads faster than the flu.

What are Its Future Prospects?

An epidemic like Corona can have two futures: If the humans understand its seriousness in time, and take necessary precautions, then they will be able to overcome it. But, if they could not do so, it would spread rapidly and end the entire human race.

The future we will see will totally depend on us, how we all reacted to its initial outbreak.

A slow epidemic cannot be remembered even in the history books; But, a rapid epidemic can be terrible and can take many lives. The worst-case scenario for a fast pandemic begins with a very rapid rate of infection because there are no countermeasures in place to slow it down.

Why is It So Dangerous?

In a fast pandemic, many people get sick at the same time. The number of patients can be so large that the healthcare system can't even handle it.

Because the resources are limited. Whether we talk about hospitals, Medical staffs, ICUE or Ventilators, all are limited resources. And when the number of patients exceeds resources, the end of the healthcare system is natural.

People Will Die Untreated.

We have heard of many such cases that the health care workers are also being affected by it. In such a pathetic condition, if you are also affected by it, you can imagine how you will be treated.

How can we save ourselves and our world from this epidemic?


What Should We All Do to Avoid It, or to Slow It Down?

An epidemic can be slowed down only by the right responses and precautions, especially in the early stage.

Since we don't have a vaccine for Corona, we have to keep our behaviour socially aware to act like a social vaccine. This simply means two things:

1. Not Getting Infected; And 2. Not Infecting Others.

The very first thing you need to do is to wash your hands with soap; Soap is actually a powerful tool. The Coronavirus is basically enclosed in a layer of fat. Soap separates the virus from fat that it cannot infect you.

The next thing you need to do is social distancing: Definitely, you will not find it as a good experience. But let me tell you that it's a good thing, and definitely for your health.

Social Distancing Means: No Hugging... No Handshakes and keep distance of at least 1 to 2 meter from everyone.

If you can stay at home, stay at home, that's great. But even if you do not want to stay at home, you still stay at home, please stay at home.

If not for yourself, then, for our family. And for those who are out of their homes, to protect us, our families and our society: From Nurses to doctors, Gards to cashiers, police officers, and all the field staff who are out of their homes to protect us.

It is absolutely true that we all depend on them, and they all depend on us. And when they are out of their homes to protect us, it becomes our prerequisite to take care that they are not affected by us.

1 Review:

  1. Usually I never comment on blogs but your article is so convincing that I never stop myself to say something about it. You’re doing a great job Man,Keep it up.
    God bless you.
