Truths of Life, You Should Need to Know? - SocialWelBeing
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Truths of Life, You Should Need to Know?

Truths of Life, You Should Need to Know?

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1. Whoever has come has to go. It means that the Person who is born has to die one day. Because whether it's someone's birth or demise, everything is predetermined. And the hardest thing about life is that everything you have will leave you, not now, but definitely on someday, and you can't do anything.

Everyone wants to spend their whole life with their dearest one. But unfortunately not everyone gets such an opportunity. People come and go but life always goes on, and we have to live it. Because our life doesn't end with the demise of anyone else. And to live a good and peaceful life, we always have to keep moving forward and find the reason to live.

2. We ourselves give our lives meaning. And if we feel our life in vain, then it's totally our fault. Because God made all of us equal, and how we live it is our own responsibility. We can't blame anyone else for our own mistakes. And whatever we do, we have to take the responsibility, whether it is good or bad.

God just has given us this life, but we have to find the purpose of our life, by ourselves. And those who understand this never waste their time blaming someone else or arguing with them. They simply do what makes their life meaningful.

3. The perfect partner doesn't exist. You should Concentrate to find someone who has the maximum qualities and values like you. And whenever you find someone with such qualities, try to build an unbreakable relationship with them.

4. Life is a game. Choose the game you like most to play, learn the rules, and find a way that can help you to succeed in it.

5. Everything ends. Life, love, relationships, even we ourselves, all ends. And this is what really makes us valuable.

Because if you look closely, you will realize that the things that you have acquired, gradually their importance is decreasing for you. It's not only you, but it's the nature of most human beings that the importance of anything remains until it is attained. So if you want to be more effective, you should limit your availability for anyone.

6. Be a realist about the big things. Life is not a film that you can finish in a while. To live your life peacefully and authentically, you need to walk in a planned way. But you will be able to do so only when you will develop the ambition of an artist and the mindset of an engineer within you.

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