How to Change Your Life When Nothing is Going Your Way? - SocialWelBeing
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How to Change Your Life When Nothing is Going Your Way?

How to Change Your Life When Nothing is Going Your Way?

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How to Change Your Life When Nothing is Going Your Way?

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motivational speech, inspirational speech, life changing speech, ever, self development, self improvement, life lessons, what to do when nothing going your way, how do you stay strong in hard time, life realities, life tips,

Sometimes when things are not going your way, and in every sphere of ​​life you are facing failures and difficulties one after the other, when you are trying hard but not getting the favourable results. That's exactly the right time, when you need some time for yourself. You just need to relax yourself and just forget about everything.

Only do the things that you like the most. Forget about everything that what is happening around you. Try to do something that you like to do, but you have never done before. And let it continue until the situation becomes normal for you.

In such situations you need to keep your patience and act with your discretion. Because, being scared or getting hasty makes the situation more difficult for you. And then you remain entangled there. Therefore, if you want to get out of these situations in your life, then you have to accept that life cannot always be the same. Whether it is good or bad, you have to deal with them.

It doesn't matter what your situation is, or how big or small you have chosen your goals. In every situation of life you have to face difficulties. And, when you surely have to face difficulties in all situations of life, then why don't you try to do something big.

Here, we have mentioned some such things and tips which will inspire you to do something big in your life. And will also help you to maintain your patience in the adverse situations of life, even when nothing is going your way.

Sometimes you have to go through such hard times or situations, when you are on the right path, and will also try hard enough but not get the favourable results. But still you have to wait for a long time to see the result of what you are doing. This does not mean that you are going slow. It means your goals are much bigger than usual, which you need a little more time to achieve.

Now, let me explain this by giving you an example, So that you can understand things more closely :-

Compare the fern seeds with the bamboo plant. When you plant a fern seed, in a few weeks its plant comes out on the surface and grown up. But at the same time if you plant a bamboo root, and also pour water on it continuously.. Yet nothing comes out on the surface for a long while. It takes about four to five years for his plant to come out of the surface. And when it comes out on the surface, all of a sudden the bamboo starts shooting out. And within 6 months it has shot a hundred feet.

It is not that when the fern seed was growing, the bamboo root was not doing anything. It was also growing, but not above the surface, within the surface. It was deepening and strengthening its root. Because it needs a solid roots to rise up a hundred feet. If its roots are not strong, It will fall anytime.

In the same way, God wants us to reach the perfection of whatever we are doing. And it takes time. In the meantime we will have many mistakes, will be errors, there will be times when we fall. But we never have to be disappointed, or give up. We should see all these difficulties as opportunities to learn, and progress.

There are many people in the world who will try to let you down, will confuse you towards your goal, will laugh at your dreams, and try to make you feel like a failure. But you do not need to pay attention to their words at all, and keep working on your dreams until you succeed. Because so many people in this world were rejected, and were considered as failures. And later on they become great successes.

You all must have heard about Walt Disney. He was such a failure that he was making some cartoons for the church, and the only place he had to stay was a rat infested place. And that's where he got the idea of the rat cartoons.

You may also have heard about Alexander Graham Bell, who invented the telephone. Do you know, when Alexander Graham Bell has made his telephone and presented it to an investor. The investor rejected it as soon as he saw it, and said.. "Take this toy of my table. I'm not interested." He didn't even think to know about it. You know why? Because, what Alexander Graham Bell invented was impossible for him.

Like Walt Disney and Alexander Graham Bell, there are so many people who had been rejected several times. But they didn't ever given up, and kept trying until they made themselves successful.

There is another such story is of Wilbur and Orville, who invented the Aeroplane. You know, when they both were trying to invent the aeroplane, there was an article published in the New York Times. In which it was written.. "See these crazy people, they are actually thinking that they will fly with the help of this machine. Impossible, only birds can fly." And exactly three days after they succeeded.

We hope that the above article may have removed the word "Failure" outside of your mind. And you must have clearly understood that there is no such thing in the world, which you can't achieve. All you need to do is that you have to keep your patience, and your mindset always positive. Because a positive mind will either succeed, or learn something, but never fails.

Here we are going to tell you about some such qualities, which will help you to develop a positive mindset.

1. SET YOUR GOALS :- The first and most important task to succeed in life is to set your goals. And the most important thing about setting goals is that you must have to set goals that are almost out of your reach. Because, if you set a goal that is attainable without much effort or thought. Then you're stuck in something below your true talent or potential.

2. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF :- The second important thing which makes you successful is that you must have perseverance, and above all confidence in yourselves. Because it gives you inner strength, and makes you realise that your inner strength is bigger than any outer obstacles. And you can achieve everything you want to do.

3. KEEP IMPROVING YOUR SKILL :- It's the most important part of our life, which helps us in every sphere of our life. It's an endless process that continues to infinity. The more you work on it, the better your skills will be developed. And the truth about it is that there is nothing more challenging than the challenge of improving your skills, or yourself. So, if you want to develop your skills, you have to keep practicing continuously.
It requires constantly practice, this is because, It's like riding a bicycle. As long as you keep pedaling, you will be moving forward. And where you stop pedaling, you will also stopped there.

4. YOU MUST HAVE THE COURAGE :- You should must have the courage to do what you want to do, anf to accept whatever you have done.. whether it is right or wrong. Because, doing the right thing motivates you to do more. And the wrong gives you another chance to do things again in a better way.

5. DO NOT BE AFRAID OF FAILURE :- Someone great has said "Failure Is The Key To Success". But before reaching your goal even thinking about failure reduces so much of your energy towards your objective. And the person who is afraid of it will never be able to do anything in his life. Instead of getting afraid or ashamed of your mistakes, if you develop a skill to learn from your mistakes, you can achieve anything that you want.

6. BE SELF-COMMITTED :- Commitment means being loyal to the things what you had said a long time ago. It unlocks the door of success for you, and allows you to turn your dreams into reality.

7. MANTAIN YOUR INTEGRITY :- Integrity is the practice of staying loyal to your ethics, values, principles and determined mindset. It allows you to choose your thoughts, actions based on your values and principles rather than personal gain.

8. KEEP PATIENCE :- Patience does not mean the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting. Especially when you're waiting for the outcome of something for which you have spent a lot of your energy, time and money. It doesn't matter what result you get, and how many difficulties you are facing in your life, you need to always keep your patience. Because, it helps you when you have to deal with your problems. Or when you start feeling dissatisfied or disappointed during your journey to success. When things go wrong, you should hope that tomorrow will be fine, but if tomorrow doesn't go well, you shall still hope to be fine tomorrow. Keep calm when things don't go according to your expectations, because beautiful things always meet friction.

9. BE OPTIMISTIC :- Doing something just on the hope of a positive result makes you optimistic. An optimist always believes that he is definitely going to succeed at last. And sees the positive side and the outcome of any subject matter or things first. He seeks opportunity in everything, and never be afraid of making mistakes and failing. Rather, he learn from it and try again.

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