Sleep Disorders: Causes, Treatments & Diagnosis - - SocialWelBeing
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Sleep Disorders: Causes, Treatments & Diagnosis -

Sleep Disorders: Causes, Treatments & Diagnosis -

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Sleep Disorders: Causes, Treatments & Diagnosis - Socialwelbeing

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Why Can't I Sleep Peacefully?

If You are suffering from sleep disorders, and are finding the answer that "Why Can't You Sleep Peacefully at Night". If so, then you have come to the right place exactly. Here we will tell you the solutions that will really work for you, and will help you to get out of such situation.

Let's Start..

Sleep Disorders causes only due to dissatisfaction. You rarely ever met someone who has been suffering from sleep disorders for some other reasons. And if you look closely on it, you will find that the person who has been suffering from sleep disorders, too have been facing problems in their personal or professional life. Studies have shown that people who are affected by sleep problems, most of them are those who are unable to fulfill their responsibilities properly, or are those who are not able to perform their duties properly or dissatisfied for some other reason. They feel loss in their productivity when they have to go through the situations that make them feel bad about themselves. At such times, the chances of being affected by insomnia increase significantly.

Do You Know That Your Sleep Has a Directe Concern on Your Health & Daily Routine. Let Us Tell You, How?

Being energetic towards the work does not mean that the person will do the work properly. Because apart from being energetic towards work, your health and your daily routine also has a great impact on your working capacity. And if one of it get imbalanced, it affects both your professional and personal life.

Therefore, if you want to keep both your professional and personal life balanced, then you should also have to take care of your health along with your work. You should understand that you are not a robot who can work for many hours without getting tired or without taking any rest. You are a human being, who needs food water and proper rest to survive and function properly.

Instead of working like a machine if you work systematically and take care of your health. Then you will never have to face health problems or sleep problems and you will be able to balance your work, health, personal and professional life. It increases your productivity, and then you will be able to do a lot more than before.

How Complex or Simple the Sleep Problem is?

Do you ever think that why you falls asleep again and again, whenever you are in class, group or in a long meeting with your boss. In such situations, sleeping becomes world's most easiest task for you.

But it becomes very difficult for you when some of your work is incomplete, or you have to execute any of your planning. When your personal or professional life is not going well, or you are suffering from health problems. Apart from this, many people get nervous when they have to take the responsibility of something on themselves. In all these times, people who lose control over themselves, and feels pressure, only those suffering from depression and sleep disorders.

This extra pressure is not meant to annoy, or suppress you, but to enhance your talent. The fact about it is when you find yourself in a group, place or amongst the people where the things happening are irrelevant to you, or beyond your comprehension then you start feeling bored, and slowly goes into an imaginary world. This is the reason why you falls asleep again and again in such places.

How Many Types of Sleep Disorder?

Jet Lag :) A sleep disorder that can affect those who travel quickly across multiple time zones.
Jet lag is a temporary sleep disorder. It occurs when the body's internal clock is out of sync with cues from a new time zone. Cues can include light exposure and eating times.

Insomnia :) Persistent problems falling and staying asleep.
Most cases of insomnia are related to poor sleeping habits, depression, anxiety, lack of exercise, chronic illness or certain medication.

Narcolepsy :) A chronic sleep disorder that causes overwhelming daytime drowsiness.
The cause of narcolepsy isn't well understood but may involve genetic factors and abnormal signalling in the brain.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea :) It is the most common type of sleep apnea and is characterised by repeated episodes of complete or partial obstructions of the upper airway during sleep, despite the effort to breathe, and is usually associated with a reduction in blood oxygen saturation.

How to Develop a Proper Sleep Routine?

Looking at the seriousness of this matter, we talked to a psychologist Dr. Anand Bhardwaj, where he told us many important things about this matter. Which are as follows..

Read Book Before Sleep

Reading books before bedtime not only helps you to sleep well, but it also helps you to improve your personality. Books are a good source of infinite knowledge, and reading it on a daily basis increases your knowledge and make you feel more confident than before.

Dr. Anand Bhardwaj told that in one of his studies, he found that reading books only for ten to fifteen minutes reduces your stress by 65 to 70%. And you can easily remove your attention from your current situation by immersing yourself in books. But the book should be good and according to your interest, only then it will be beneficial for you.

In this modern era, most people prefer to watch TV shows, watch movies and listen to music to take a peaceful and blissful sleep. May this is right in some extent, but sometimes it becomes boring and curious for you, which is not good for your sleep at all. And at such times, it would be better for you to give priority to reading books.

Plan Your Day in Advance : Eg - Clothes, Lunch Prep

Avoid consumption of caffeinated beverages at night - Caffeine is widespreadly consuming drink all over the world. Caffeine central nervous system stimulant of the methylxanthine class and reverses the action of adenosine at its receptor. It resulted in a complete postponement of the onset of adenosine-induced drowsiness. Caffeine also stimulates parts of the autonomic nervous system. And that is why consuming it at night spoil your sleep.

Exercise Daily

Exercise consumes a significant amount of your physical energy, and makes you feel lazy. That is why health experts also recommend that you should exercise daily.

Make distance from social media, official documents, and your smartphone before bedtime. Put your smartphone at such distance from the bed that in case of emergency or any important work you can be contacted. In such a situation, you will be able to get a good sleep at night, and your essential work will never be spoiled.

Next, Try Some Deep Breathing

There is no secret in it, it calms the mindful breathing nervous system, which helps you to relax. Apart from it, you can also use it as a sleep tool.

Things to Ask Yourself

Are you getting proper sleep Health researcher suggests that a normal adult person needs an average daily sleep of seven to eight hours. Children need more sleep than adults. All people have different patterns in terms of sleep. Some people prefer the 'bipolar sleep' system, which means sleeping for a while at night, and then taking short naps during the day. Some people like 'Power napping' sleeping pattern, which is also beneficial.

In addition, some researchers also stated that 7 to 8 hours of sleep is not sufficient for the people with a natural circadian rhythm of 25 to 26 hours. That is why they need more sleep than usual and according to their physical needs.

Are You Informally Mindful of Your Sleeping Area

To get a good sleep, it is also very important for you to make sure that everything in your bedroom is a well arranged. Like - Your bedroom should be well ventilated, darkness should be sufficient and temperature should be normal. All these small things really matters a lot for your good sleep.

After doing all the above things, if you are still suffering from sleep problems and are not able to sleep well at night. Don't worry .. Dr. Anand Bhardwaj has also given some important tips, which will surely help you;

Change the Context

Stop taking half-complete naps, get up and do something, not on your phone or computer. You just have to write or read something, something related to your profession, something related to your hobby, or something about you that you cannot express to anyone else. Or you should do something in which you can keep yourself busy.

Hope the above article will help you to come out of the situations that cause your insomnia. Share it to your family and all those friends who are suffering from severe sleep sickness, and are looking for a way to come out of it.

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